Housing, Land and Property Rights and Peace Agreements: Guidance for the Myanmar Peace Process

TitleHousing, Land and Property Rights and Peace Agreements: Guidance for the Myanmar Peace Process
Annotated RecordNot Annotated
Year of Publication2018
AuthorsDisplacement_Solutions _, Norwegian_Refugee_Council _
Key themesAccessToJustice, Formalisation-titling, MarginalisedPeople

ABSTRACTED FROM EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: This briefing paper is designed to assist and build the capacities of those engaged in formulating an eventual peace agreement concerning the ongoing conflicts in Myanmar with options on how best to address the myriad HLP issues in the country based on similar experiences in other countries. It explores some of the fundamental HLP issues common to most conflicts, how these have played out in the Myanmar context, and how other countries have addressed these in various peace agreements and negotiated settlements. It aims to facilitate discussions between stakeholders about which types of mechanisms may be most appropriate for Myanmar, as the quest for peace continues.


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