Restoring Land Rights: Pathways for the recognition of customary tenure in Myanmar

TitleRestoring Land Rights: Pathways for the recognition of customary tenure in Myanmar
Annotated RecordNot Annotated
Year of Publication2022
AuthorsErni C, Deligne A
IssueThematic Study#13
Place PublishedYangon
Key themesFormalisation-titling, MarginalisedPeople, Policy-law

This report aims to help civil society organisations (CSOs) and other reform actors in Myanmar in discussions on how to recognise and protect customary tenure in both policy and practice. The original purpose of the report was for advocacy in drafting a new national land law. The drafting process was initiated under the civilian government but was interrupted by the military takeover in February 2021. The drafting of the law is currently on hold and it is doubtful whether it can be resumed any time soon. The uncertain political future of Myanmar indicates that more profound changes will be needed. This situation invites us to really think outside of the box and imagine ways of recognising customary tenure without being limited by the earlier constitutional framework. At this point, this analysis has the general purpose of helping policymakers identify key questions for how to recognise and protect customary tenure rights in the future. The


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