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Transnational_Institute(TNI).  2013.  Access Denied: Land Rights and Ethnic Conflict in Burma - Burma Policy Briefing. (11):1-16.
Woods K.  2013.  Agribusiness Investments in Myanmar: Opportunities and Challenges for Poverty Reduction. :1-115.
Colchester M, Chao S, Dallinger J, Toh SMei, Kiev C, Saptaningrum I, Ramirez M_A, Pulhin J.  2013.  Agribusiness Large-Scale Land Acquisitions and Human Rights in Southeast Asia. (August):1-156.
Equitable_Cambodia(EC), Inclusive_Development_International(IDI).  2013.  BITTERSWEET HARVEST: A Human Rights Impact Assessment of the European Union's Everything but Arms Instiative in Cambodia. :i-v,1-100.
Dwyer MB.  2013.  Building the Politics Machine: Tools for ‘Resolving’ the Global Land Grab. Development and Change. 44(2):309-333.
Markussen T, Tarp F, Newman C.  2013.  Characteristics of the Vietnamese Rural Economy: Evidence from a 2012 Rural Household Survey in 12 Provinces of Vietnam. Central Institute of Economic Management (CIEM), Hanoi. :1-349.
Oldenburg C, Neef A.  2013.  Competing Frameworks and Perspectives on Land Property in Cambodia. :1-21.
Buchanan J, Kramer T, Woods K.  2013.  Developing Disparity: Regional Investment in Burma's Borderlands. :1-53.
Daley E, Osorio M, Clara_Mi_Young_Park _.  2013.  The Gender and Equity Implications of Land-Related Investments on Land Access and Labour and Income-Generating Opportunities: A Case Study of Selected Agricultural Investments in Lao PDR. :i-vi,1-67.
Sikor T, Auld G, Bebbington AJ, Benjaminsen TA, Gentry BS, Hunsberger C, Izac A-M, Margulis ME, Plieninger T, Schroeder H et al..  2013.  Global land governance: From territory to flow? Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability. 5(5):522-527.
Shwe_Gas_Movement(SGM).  2013.  Good Governance and the Extractive Industry in Burma: Complications of Burma’s Regulatory Framework. :1-18.
Hansen K.  2013.  Land Law, Land Rights, and Land Reform in Vietnam: A Deeper Look into “Land Grabbing” for Public and Private Development. :i-iv,1-40.
Karen_Human_Rights_Group(KHRG).  2013.  Losing ground: Land conflicts and collective action in eastern Myanmar. :i-iii,1-89.
Dwyer MB.  2013.  Micro-Geopolitics: Capitalising Security in Laos's Golden Quadrangle. Geopolitics. 19:377-405.
Chao S.  2013.  National Updates on Agribusiness Large Scale Land Acquisitions in Southeast Asia Brief. Brief #8 of 8: Union of Burma. Agribusiness large-scale land acquisitions and human rights in Southeast Asia - Updates from Indonesia, Thailand, Philippines, Malaysia, Cambodia, Timor-Leste and Burma. :140-157.
Neef A, Touch S, Chiengthong J.  2013.  The Politics and Ethics of Land Concessions in Rural Cambodia. Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics. 26(6):1085-1103.
Paglietti L, Sabrie R.  2013.  Review of smallholder lingkages for inclusive agribusiness development. :i-xiv,1-84.
Global_Witness _.  2013.  Rubber Barons: How Vietnamese Companies and International Financiers are Driving the Land Grabbing Crisis in Cambodia and Laos. :1-51.
Scheidel A, Giampietro M, Ramos-Martin J.  2013.  Self-sufficiency or surplus: Conflicting local and national rural development goals in Cambodia. Land Use Policy. 34:342-352.
Thorpe J.  2013.  Sugar Rush: Land rights and the supply chains of the biggest food and beverage companies. Oxfam Briefing Note. :1-24.
Woods K.  2013.  Timber Trade Flows and Actors in Myanmar: The Political Economy of Myanmar’s Timber Trade. :i-ii,1-18.
Cambodian_Human_Rights_and_Development_Association(ADHOC).  2013.  A Turning Point?: Land, Housing and Natural Resources Rights in Cambodia in 2012 :i-v,1-47.
Stoeber S, Sisomphone E, Han C.  2013.  Women, Food and Land: Understanding the impact of gender on nutrition, food security and community resilience in Lao PDR. :i-xii,1-64.
