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Land_Core_Group(LCG), Food_Security_Working_Group(FSWG).  2012.  13 Case Studies of Land Confiscations in Three Townships of Central Myanmar. :1-36.
Sun Y.  2012.  China and the Changing Myanmar. Journal of Current Southeast Asian Affairs. 31(4):51-77.
Schönweger O, Heinimann A, Epprecht M, Lu J, Thalongsengchanh P.  2012.  Concessions and Leases in the Lao PDR: Taking stock of land investments. :1-87.
Pham_Thu_Thuy _, Moeliono M, Nguyen_Thi_Hien _, Nguyen_Huu_Tho _, Vu_Thi_Hien _.  2012.  The context of REDD+ in Vietnam: Drivers, agents and institutions. :i-xiv,1-79.
Global_Witness _.  2012.  Dealing with Disclosure: Improving Transparency in Decision-Making Over Large-Scale Aquisitions, Allocations and Investments. :1-70.
Sothath N, Sophal C, Cambodian_Economic_Association(CEA).  2012.  Economic Land Concessions and Local Communities. (February):i-vii,1-63.
The_Munden_Project _.  2012.  The Financial Risks of Insecure Land Tenure: An Investment View. (December):1-34.
Kramer T, Woods K.  2012.  Financing Dispossession: China's Opium Substitution Programme in Northern Burma. :1-89.
Saing C_H, Hem S, Ouch C, Phann D, Pon D.  2012.  Foreign Investment in Agriculture in Cambodia. International Economic Cooperation. :1-20.
Socheth H.  2012.  Foreign Investment in Agriculture in Cambodia: A survey of recent trends. (December 2012):i-iii,1-15.
Cotula L.  2012.  The international political economy of the global land rush: A critical appraisal of trends, scale, geography and drivers. The Journal of Peasant Studies. 39(3-4):649-680.
Neef A, Touch S.  2012.  Land Grabbing in Cambodia: Narratives, Mechanisms, Resistance. Global Land Grabbing II. :1-22.
Transnational_Institute(TNI).  2012.  Land Grabbing in Dawei (Myanmar/Burma): An (Inter)National Human Rights Concern. :1-15.
Barney K.  2012.  Land, Livelihoods, and Remittances: A Political Ecology of Youth Out-migration across the Lao-Thai Mekong Border. Critical Asian Studies. 44(1):57-83.
Karen_Environmental_and_Social_Action_Network(KESAN).  2012.  Land lost and future land problems in Karen State, Eastern Burma/Myanmar. :1-17.
Baird IG, Le Billon P.  2012.  Landscapes of Political Memories: War Legacies and Land Negotiations in Laos. Political Geography. 31(5):290-300.
Ministry_of_Land_Management_Urban_Planning_and_Construction(MLMUPC).  2012.  Manual on Implementation of Order 01 dated 07 May, 2012 On Measures Strengthening and Increasing Effectiveness of ELC Management. :23.
White B, Borras_Jr. SM, Hall R, Scoones I, Wolford W.  2012.  The new enclosures: Critical perspectives on corporate land deals. Journal of Peasant Studies. 39(3-4):619-647.
Woods K.  2012.  The Political Ecology of Rubber Production in Myanmar: An Overview. :1-34.
Subedi SP.  2012.  Report of the Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in Cambodia ADDENDUM: A human rights analysis of economic and other land concessions in Cambodia. (A/HRC/21/63/Add.1/Rev.1 (October)):1-130.
Promsopha G.  2012.  Temporary transfers of land and risk-coping mechanisms in Thailand. :i-iii,1-44.
Anseeuw W, Boche M, Breu T, Giger M, Lay J, Messerli P, Nolte K.  2012.  Transnational Land Deals for Agriculture in the Global South Analytical Report based on the Land Matrix Database. (April):i-x,1-50.
Sikor T.  2012.  Tree plantations, politics of possession and the absence of land grabs in Vietnam. Journal Of Peasant Studies. 39(February 2015):1077-1101.
Food_and_Agriculture_Organization_of_the_United_Nations(FAO).  2012.  Trends and Impacts of Foreign Investment in Developing Country Agriculture: Evidence from case studies. :i-xxxv,1-342.
Food_and_Agriculture_Organization_of_the_United_Nations(FAO).  2012.  Voluntary Guidelines on the Responsible Governance of Tenure of Land, Fisheries and Forests in the Context of National Food Security. :i-vi,1-40.
