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Globalisation and the foreignisation of space: seven processes driving the current global land grab. The Journal of Peasant Studies. 37(2):429-447.
2010. Mechanisms of Land Conflict Resolution in Rural Cambodia. :i-iii,1-58.
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2010. Scaling the landscapes: a methodology to support integrated subnational spatial planning in Cambodia. XXIV FIG 2010. :1-14.
2010. Tyrants, Tycoons and Tigers. :1-50.
2010. Agricultural land conversion and its effects on farmers in contemporary Vietnam. Focaal—European Journal of Anthropology. 2009(54):106-113.
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2009. Holding Our Ground: Land Confiscation in Arakan & Mon States, and Pa-O Area of Southern Shan State. :i-iv,1-45.
2009. Housing and Land Rights Issues in Cambodia. (April):1-25.
2009. The Impact of Economic Land Concessions on the Local Livelihoods of Forest Communities in Kratie Province, Northeastern Cambodia. (March):i-xv,1-204.
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2009. Land-Tenure Policy Reforms Decollectivization and the Doi Moi System in Vietnam. (November):i-v,1-35.
2009. Laos and the making of a 'relational' resource frontier. Geographical Journal. 175(2):146-159.
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