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Land Politics under Market Socialism: The State, Land Policies, and Rural–Urban Land Conversion in China and Vietnam. Land. 7(2):1-17.
2018. Living under threat but with nowhere to go: A survey on the impact of forced eviction on women in Phnom Penh. :i-viii,1-33.
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2010. A market without the 'right' property rights. Economics of Transition. 12(2):275-305.
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2014. Mobile householding and marital dissolution in Vietnam: An inevitable consequence? Geoforum. 51:273-283.
2014. Myanmar: Land Tenure Issues and the Impact on Rural Development. (May):i-xvii,1-112.
2015. North versus South: the impact of social norms in the market pricing of private property rights in Vietnam. World Development. 35(12):2079-2095.
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2016. People and politics: Urban climate resilience in Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Frontiers in Sustainable Cities. 4
2023. Periurban Land Redevelopment in Vietnam under Market Socialism. Urban Studies. 51(May):1146-1161.
2013. Persistence and Change In Hakha Chin Land and Resource Tenure: A Study on Land Dynamics in the Periphery of Hakha. :i-xxxviii,1-158.
2018. Phnom Penh - Property and Planning in a Contested City. The Planning Review. 47(184):6-11.
2011. Policies, Political-Economy, and Swidden in Southeast Asia. Human Ecology. 37(3):305-322.
2009. Postcolonial Capitalism and the Politics of Dispossession: Political Trajectories in Southern Myanmar. European Journal of East Asian Studies. 17(2):193-227.
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2011. The real estate turn in policy and planning: Land monetization and the political economy of peri-urbanization in Asia. Cities. 53:141-149.
2016. Reconsidering rural land use and livelihood transition under the pressure of urbanization in Vietnam: A case study of Hanoi. Land Use Policy. 99:1-13.
2020. Religious Land as Commons: Buddhist Temples, Monastic Landlordism, and the Urban Poor in Thailand. American Journal of Economics and Sociology. 80(2):585-636.
2021. Resettlement and the environment in Vietnam: Implications for climate change adaptation planning. Asia Pacific Viewpoint. 60(2):132-147.
2019. Rethinking Land and Property in a “Transitioning” Myanmar: Representations of Isolation, Neglect, and Natural Decline. Journal of Burma Studies. 22(2):171-213.
2018. A Review of Urban Ecosystem Services Research in Southeast Asia. Land. 10(1):1-21.
2021. Rights Razed: Forced evictions in Cambodia. (February):1-64.
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