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Financialization and rural development: comparing credit systems in Thailand and Cambodia. South East Asia Research. 32(2):196-216.
2024. Financial landscapes of agrarian change in Cambodia. Geoforum. 137(December):185-193.
2022. Capitalizing on Compensation: Hydropower Resettlement and the Commodification and Decommodification of Nature–Society Relations in Southern Laos. Annals of the American Association of Geographers. 106(4):853-873.
2016. From rice fields to financial assets: Valuing land for microfinance in Cambodia. Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers. 44(4):749-762.
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2016. Whose Lands? Whose Resources? Development. 54(1):91-97.
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2016. Land and Natural Resource Alienation in Cambodia Land Tenure and Ownership. Development. 4(November 2004):1-18.
2006. Impact of Government Policies and Corporate Land Grabs on Indigenous People's Access to Common Lands and Livelihood Resilience in Northeast Cambodia. Land. 7(4):1-20.
2018. Indigenous peoples’ responses to land exclusions: emotions, affective links and power relations. Third World Quarterly. 43(3):525-542.
2022. Land grabs, land control, and Southeast Asian crop booms. Journal of Peasant Studies. 38(4):837-857.
2011. Resistance, acquiescence or incorporation? An introduction to land grabbing and political reactions ‘from below’ The Journal of Peasant Studies. 42(3-4):467-488.
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2013. Agricultural Investment in the Mekong Region: A Comparative Analysis to Inform the Transition to Responsible Practices. (Thematic Study No.6):47pp..
2025. Key Themes in Land Governance: Synopses of Research, Policy and Action in the Mekong Region. :1-144.
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2020. Land Leases and Concessions in the Lao PDR: A Characterization of Investments in Land and their Impacts, Based on field data of 2014-2017. :i-xviii,1-130.
2020. Land deals in Laos: First insights from a new nationwide initiative to assess the quality of investments in land. Land Grabbing, Conflict and Agrarian-Environmental Transformations: Perspectives from East and Southeast Asia. (18):i-iii,1-26.
2015. Assessing Land Investment Quality: A methodology to assess the quality of land concessions and leases in the Lao PDR. :i-viii;1-26.
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2014. Land ownership and land conflict in Kampong Chhnang, Kampong Speu, Pursat and Prey Veng provinces, Cambodia. (August):1-22.
2014. Titling against grabbing? Critiques and conundrums around land formalisation in Southeast Asia International Academic Conference on ‘Global Land Grabbing’. (April):1-18.
2011. Limits to neoliberal authoritarianism in the politics of land capitalisation in Thailand: beyond the paradox. Canadian Journal of Development Studies. :1-18.