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Debonne N, van Vliet J, Verburg P.  2019.  Future governance options for large-scale land acquisition in Cambodia: Impacts on tree cover and tiger landscapes. Environmental Science and Policy. 94:9-19.
Lu J, Schönweger O.  2019.  Great expectations: Chinese investment in Laos and the myth of empty land. Territory, Politics, Governance. 7(1):61-78.
Woods KM.  2019.  Green Territoriality: Conservation as State Territorialization in a Resource Frontier. Human Ecology. 47:217-232.
De_Alban JDon T, Prescott GW, Woods KM, Jamaludin J, Kyaw_Thinn_Latt _, Cheng_Ling_Lim _, Aye_Chan_Maung _, Webb EL.  2019.  Integrating Analytical Frameworks to Investigate Land-Cover Regime Shifts in Dynamic Landscapes. Sustainability (Switzerland). 11(4):1-23.
Beauchamp E, Clements T, Milner-Gulland E.J.  2019.  Investigating Perceptions of Land Issues in a Threatened Landscape in Northern Cambodia. Sustainability. 11(21):1-20.
Baird IG, Noseworthy W, Nghiem_Phuong_Tuyen _, Le_Thu_Ha _, Fox J.  2019.  Land grabs and labour: Vietnamese workers on rubber plantations in southern Laos. Singapore Journal of Tropical Geography. 40(1):50-70.
Manushya_Foundation _, Asia_Indigenous_Peoples_Pact(AIPP).  2019.  Lao People’s Democratic Republic, Joint Submission to the UN Universal Period Review 35th Session of the UPR Working Group. :1-18.
Hirsch P.  2019.  Limits to neoliberal authoritarianism in the politics of land capitalisation in Thailand: beyond the paradox. Canadian Journal of Development Studies. :1-18.
Feurer M, Heinimann A, Schneider F, Jurt C, Myint_Win _, Zaehringer JGwendolin.  2019.  Local Perspectives on Ecosystem Service Trade-Offs in a Forest Frontier Landscape in Myanmar. Land. 8(3):1-19.
Dwyer M, Vongvisouk T.  2019.  The long land grab: market-assisted enclosure on the China-Lao rubber frontier. Territory, Politics, Governance. 7(1):96-114.
Kenney-Lazar M, Ishikawa N.  2019.  Mega-Plantations in Southeast Asia: Landscapes of Displacement. Environment and Society. 10(1):63-82.
Manahan MAnn.  2019.  New Challenges and Strategies: In the Defense of Land and Territory. (4):96.
Nomura K, Mitchard ETA, Patenaude G, Bastide J, Oswald P, Nwe T.  2019.  Oil palm concessions in southern Myanmar consist mostly of unconverted forest. Scientific Reports. 9:1-9.
The_Interlaken_Group _, Rights_And_Resources_Initiative(RRI).  2019.  Respecting Land and Forest Rights: A Guide for Companies. :i-x,1-50.
Frame M.  2019.  The Role of the Semi-Periphery in Ecologically Unequal Exchange: A Case Study of Land Investments in Cambodia. Ecologically Unequal Exchange: Environmental Injustice in Comparative and Historical Perspective. :75-106.
Woods K.  2019.  Rubber out of the ashes: locating Chinese agribusiness investments in ‘armed sovereignties’ in the Myanmar–China borderlands. Territory, Politics, Governance. 7(1):79-95.
Diepart J-C, Ngin C, Oeur I.  2019.  Struggles for Life: Smallholder Farmers’ Resistance and State Land Relations in Contemporary Cambodia. Journal of Current Southeast Asian Affairs. 38(1):10-32.
