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Hirsch P, Scurrah N.  2015.  The political economy of land governance in the Mekong Region. :52. (703.1 KB)
Hirsch P.  2001.  Globalisation, Regionalisation and Local Voices: The Asian Development Bank and Rescaled Politics of Environment in the Mekong Region. Singapore Journal of Tropical Geography. 22(3):237-251.
Hirsch P, Scurrah N.  2015.  The political economy of land governance in Lao PDR. (November):23. (497.76 KB)
Hirsch P.  2011.  Titling against grabbing? Critiques and conundrums around land formalisation in Southeast Asia International Academic Conference on ‘Global Land Grabbing’. (April):1-18.
Hirsch P.  2020.  Scaling the environmental commons: Broadening our frame of reference for transboundary governance in Southeast Asia. Asia Pacific Viewpoint. 61(2):190-202.
Hirsch P, Mellac M, Scurrah N.  2016.  The political economy of land governance in Viet Nam. :24. (4.72 MB)
Hoang_Trieu_Huy _, Lyne M, Ratna N, Nuthall P.  2016.  Drivers of transaction costs affecting participation in the rental market for cropland in Vietnam. Australian Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics. 60(3):476-492.
Holden ST, Ghebru H.  2016.  Land tenure reforms, tenure security and food security in poor agrarian economies: Causal linkages and research gaps. Global Food Security. 10:21-28.
Hu F, Zhang X, Hu M, Cook DLee.  2019.  Chinese Enterprises' Investment in Infrastructure Construction in Cambodia. Asian Perspective. 43(1):177-207.
Hua X, Kono Y, Zhang L.  2021.  Excavating agrarian transformation under ‘secure’ crop booms: insights from the China-Myanmar borderland. Journal of Peasant Studies. :1-30.
Hua X, Kono Y.  2020.  Reconsidering Land System Changes in Borderlands: Insights from the China-ASEAN Borderland. Problemy Ekorozwoju. 15(1):179-187.
Hunsberger C, Corbera E, Borras_Jr. SM, de la Rosa R, Eang V, Franco JC, Herre R, Kham SSam, Park C, Pred D et al..  2015.  Land-based climate change mitigation, land grabbing and conflict: understanding intersections and linkages, exploring actions for change. (1):1-26.
Hunt G, Oswald P.  2020.  Tanintharyi Regional Oil Palm Assessment: Macro-level overview of land use in the oil palm sector. :i-ii,1-68.
Huy_Quynh_Nguyen _, Warr P.  2020.  Land consolidation as technical change: Economic impacts in rural Vietnam. World Development. 127:1-11.
