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Hirsch P.  2017.  Afterword: Land Transformations and Exclusion across Regions. Kastom, Property and Ideology: Land Transformations in Melanesia. :405-419.
Cramb R, Manivong V, Newby JC, Sothorn K, Sibat PS.  2017.  Alternatives to land grabbing: exploring conditions for smallholder inclusion in agricultural commodity chains in Southeast Asia. The Journal of Peasant Studies. 44(4):939-967.
Ayala-cantu L, Beni T, Markussen T, Narciso G, Newman C, Singh A, Singhal S, Tarp F, Zille H.  2017.  Characteristics of the Vietnamese rural economy: Evidence from a 2016 rural survey in 12 provinces of Viet Nam. :1-141.
Diepart JChristophe, Schoenberger L.  2017.  Concessions in Cambodia: Governing profits, extending state power and enclosing resources from the colonial era to the present. The Handbook of Contemporary Cambodia. :157-168.
Beban A, So S, Un K.  2017.  From Force to Legitimation: Rethinking Land Grabs in Cambodia. Development and Change. 48(3):590-612.
Beban A, Gorman T.  2017.  From land grab to agrarian transition? Hybrid trajectories of accumulation and environmental change on the Cambodia–Vietnam border The Journal of Peasant Studies. 44(1):748-768.
Lamb V, Schoenberger L, Middleton C, Un B.  2017.  Gendered eviction, protest and recovery: a feminist political ecology engagement with land grabbing in rural Cambodia. The Journal of Peasant Studies. 44(6):1215-1234.
Work C, Thuon R.  2017.  Inside and outside the maps: mutual accommodation and forest destruction in Cambodia. Canadian Journal of Development Studies. 38(3):360-377.
Rossi A, Nan SNa.  2017.  Neoliberalism and the Integration of Labor and Natural Resources: Contract Farming and Biodiversity Conservation in Northern Thailand. Dreams of Prosperity: Inequality and Integration in Southeast Asia. :55-93.
Baird IG, Barney K.  2017.  The political ecology of cross-sectoral cumulative impacts: modern landscapes, large hydropower dams and industrial tree plantations in Laos and Cambodia. Journal of Peasant Studies. 44(4):769-795.
Cosier M, Phelps J, Thaung_Naing_Oo _, Win_Hlaing _, Whitten T, Fogerite J, Speechly H, Aguirre D, Wilson T, Williams G et al..  2017.  Political transition and emergent forest-conservation issues in Myanmar. Conservation Biology. 31(6):1257-1270.
Baird IG.  2017.  Resistance and Contingent Contestations to Large-Scale Land Concessions in Southern Laos and Northeastern Cambodia. Land. 6(16):1-19.
Schoenberger L.  2017.  Struggling against excuses: winning back land in Cambodia. The Journal of Peasant Studies. 44(4):870-890.
Lu JN.  2017.  Tapping into rubber: China’s opium replacement program and rubber production in Laos. The Journal of Peasant Studies. 44(4):726-747.
Dell'Angelo J, D'Odorico P, Rulli MCristina.  2017.  Threats to sustainable development posed by land and water grabbing. Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability. 26-27(June):120-128.
San Thein U, Pyae_Sone K, Diepart J-C.  2017.  Transparency Under Scrutiny: Information Disclosure by the Parliamentary Land Investigation Commission in Myanmar. :i-iii,1-10.
Lim CLing, Prescott GW, De Alban JDon T, Ziegler AD, Webb EL.  2017.  Untangling the proximate causes and underlying drivers of deforestation and forest degradation in Myanmar. Conservation Biology. 31(6):1362-1372.
Steel G, Van_Noorloos F, Klaufus C.  2017.  The urban land debate in the global South: New avenues for research. Geoforum. 83:133-141.
Mi_Young_Park C, Maffii M.  2017.  ‘We are not afraid to die’: gender dynamics of agrarian change in Ratanakiri province, Cambodia. The Journal of Peasant Studies. 44(6):1235-1254.
