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Micro-Geopolitics: Capitalising Security in Laos's Golden Quadrangle. Geopolitics. 19:377-405.
2013. Multi-criteria social sustainability assessment of highland maize monoculture in Northern Thailand using the SAFA tool. Resources, Environment and Sustainability. 13(February):100115.
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2014. National Updates on Agribusiness Large Scale Land Acquisitions in Southeast Asia Brief. Brief #8 of 8: Union of Burma. Agribusiness large-scale land acquisitions and human rights in Southeast Asia - Updates from Indonesia, Thailand, Philippines, Malaysia, Cambodia, Timor-Leste and Burma. :140-157.
2013. Negotiating post-resettlement livelihoods: the Chinese special economic zone and its impact in northwestern Laos. Canadian Journal of Development Studies. :1-17.
2018. The neoliberal agricultural modernization model: A fundamental cause for large‐scale land acquisition and counter land reform policies in the Mekong region. Land grabbing, conflict and agrarian‐environmental transformations: perspectives from East and Southeast Asia. (55):i-iii,1-12.
2015. Neoliberalism and the Integration of Labor and Natural Resources: Contract Farming and Biodiversity Conservation in Northern Thailand. Dreams of Prosperity: Inequality and Integration in Southeast Asia. :55-93.
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2021. Political connections and land-related investment in rural Vietnam. Journal of Development Economics. 110:291-302.
2014. The Political Culture of Corruption in the Lao PDR. Asian Studies Review. 30(1):59-75.
2006. The political ecology of cross-sectoral cumulative impacts: modern landscapes, large hydropower dams and industrial tree plantations in Laos and Cambodia. Journal of Peasant Studies. 44(4):769-795.
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