Welcome to the forum
Welcome to the Mekong Land Research Forum online site that pulls together research on key themes around land governance in the Mekong Region. We hope you find this resource useful, and we would be pleased to receive feedback on its content and structure.
The Mekong Land Research Forum seeks to bring research and policy a bit closer together. It does this in part by making the research more accessible and in part by helping to distill the key messages and points of debate to provide clear information rather than overwhelm policy makers and other advocates for progressive policy reform.
The Mekong Land Research Forum online site was developed in 2015 by a team at the University of Sydney, as part of an exercise carried out with the Mekong Region Land Governance program. This exercise also included the writing of country papers on the political economy of land governance in Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar, Vietnam, and one Regional overview paper. The Regional Centre for Social Science and Sustainable Development at Chiang Mai University manages the resource as part of the Mekong Land Research Forum. Further information on the Forum is available here. An application form to join our research network can be found here.
Land in the news...
- Annual Country Reviews 2023-24 available
- New book 'Key Themes in Land Governance' available
- 7 Feb: Draft law’s passing puts forest at risk, Thailand
- 7 Feb: State inspector calls for action amid mounting corruption, Laos
- 5 Feb: Danang city gives 78,000 sqm of land to Korean firm factory, Vietnam
- 3 Feb: Civil war is destroying land and natural resources, Myanmar
- 31 Jan: Indigenous People clash with developers over farmland, Cambodia