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FDI Flows and Local Livelihoods in Northern Vietnam-A Case Study in Van Duong Commune of Bac Ninh Province. Asian Journal of Research in Business Economics and Management. 5(11):22-37.
2015. A feminist methodology for implementing the right to food in agrarian communities: reflections from Cambodia and Ghana. Journal of Peasant Studies. 48(7):1459-1484.
2021. Fiction, fraud, and formality: the legal infrastructure of property speculation in Cambodia. Critical Asian Studies. 52(3):364-377.
2020. Financial landscapes of agrarian change in Cambodia. Geoforum. 137(December):185-193.
2022. The Financial Risks of Insecure Land Tenure: An Investment View. (December):1-34.
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2009. Foreign Investment in Agriculture in Cambodia. International Economic Cooperation. :1-20.
2012. Foreign Investment in Agriculture in Cambodia: A survey of recent trends. (December 2012):i-iii,1-15.
2012. Foreign investment, law and sustainable development: A handbook on agriculture and extractive industries. :i-x,1-160.
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1994. Forest-Land Commons in Laos in the Twenty-First Century: Agrarian Capitalism and the 'Non-Commodified Subsistence Guarantee’. Kyoto Review of Southeast Asia. 25:1-6.
2019. The Formalization Fix? Land titling, state land concessions, and the politics of spatial transparency in contemporary Cambodia The Journal of Peasant Studies. :1-26.
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2010. The fragmentation of land tenure systems in Cambodia: peasants and the formalization of land rights. :1-36.
2015. Fragmented Territories: Incomplete Enclosures and Agrarian Change on the Agricultural Frontier of Samlaut District, North-West Cambodia. Journal of Agrarian Change. :1-22.
2016. Framing China’s role in global land deal trends: why Southeast Asia is key. Globalizations. 15(1):168-177.
2018. From Confrontation to Mediation: Cambodian Farmers Expelled by a Vietnamese Company. Journal of Current Southeast Asian Affairs. 38(1):55-76.
2019. From Force to Legitimation: Rethinking Land Grabs in Cambodia. Development and Change. 48(3):590-612.
2017. From land grab to agrarian transition? Hybrid trajectories of accumulation and environmental change on the Cambodia–Vietnam border The Journal of Peasant Studies. 44(1):748-768.
2017. From rice fields to financial assets: Valuing land for microfinance in Cambodia. Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers. 44(4):749-762.
2019. Future governance options for large-scale land acquisition in Cambodia: Impacts on tree cover and tiger landscapes. Environmental Science and Policy. 94:9-19.