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1999. Circular labor migration and land-livelihood dynamics in Southeast Asia's concession landscapes. Journal of Rural Studies. 73:21-33.
2020. Governing Dispossession: Relational Land Grabbing in Laos. Annals of the American Association of Geographers. 108(3):679-694.
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2011. Variegated transitions: Emerging forms of land and resource capitalism in Laos and Myanmar. Environment and Planning A. 53(2):1-19.
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2016. Governing Land Concessions in Laos. Routledge Handbook of Global Land and Resource Grabbing. :96-109.
2023. Turning land into capital? The expansion and extraction of value in Laos Environment and Planning A: Economy and Space. :1-16.
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2011. Authoritarian resource governance and emerging peasant resistance in the context of Sino-Vietnamese Tree Plantations, Southeastern Laos. Land Grabbing, Conflict and Agrarian-Environmental Transformations: Perspectives from East and Southeast Asia. (2):i-iv,1-21.
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2018. Gendered eviction, protest and recovery: a feminist political ecology engagement with land grabbing in rural Cambodia. The Journal of Peasant Studies. 44(6):1215-1234.
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